# 下載範例程式 ~$ wget http://max543.com/debugger/class/python02/人臉辨識與物體辨識/code/ch7.zip ~$ unzip ch7.zip ### Lab7-1 ### # Tello 原廠官網 https://www.ryzerobotics.com/zh-tw/tello # SDK PDF 文件 https://reurl.cc/2WOR2X ### Lab7-2 ### # 安裝 tello-python 模組 >>> pip install tello-python # tello-python 模組網址 https://pypi.org/project/tello-python ### Lab7-3 (7-1-tello-python.py) ### # 使用 tello-python 模組,連線 Tello 並設定為 SDK 的 command 模式 import tello drone = tello.Tello() ### Lab7-4 ### >>> drone.command() # 發送 command,設定 Tello 為 SDK 模式 (預設 drone = tello.Tello() 已設定過了) >>> drone.takeoff() # 自動起飛 >>> drone.forword(100) # 向前飛 x 釐米 (x = 20-500) >>> drone.cw(90) # 順時針旋轉 x 度 (x = 1-360) >>> drone.flip('r') # 朝左 ('l')、右 ('r')、前 ('f')、後 ('b') 方向翻滾 >>> drone.streamon() # 開啟視頻串流 >>> drone.streamoff() # 關閉視頻串流 >>> drone.land() # 自動降落 ### Lab7-5 (7-2-tello_command.py) ### import socket # socket 模組: 是通訊中的一種方式,主要用來處理客戶端與伺服器端之串連,只需要 protocol、IP、Port 三項目即可進行網路串連。 import threading # threading 模組: 一般 Python 在執行時,通常是採用同步的任務處理模式 (一個處理完成後才會接下去處理第二個 ),然而 Python 的標準函式 threading 採用執行緒的方式,運用多個執行緒,在同一時間內處理多個任務 (非同步)。 import time import sys # sys 模組: 用來處理 Python 執行時配置以及資源,從而可以與當前程式之外的系統環境互動。 tello_address = ('', 8889) # Tello 預設的 IP 與 UDP port local_address = ('你的電腦 IP', 9000) # 你的電腦 IP 與欲使用的 UDP port sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # 建立一個 UDP 連結以發送指令。socket.AF_INET: 於伺服器與伺服器之間進行串接,socket.SOCK_DGRAM: 使用 UDP() 的方式通用的免連線訊息交換通道 sock.bind(local_address) # 用於伺服器端 (你的電腦) 需監聽的 IP 和 UDP Port def send(message, delay): # 定義發送訊息給 Tello 的函式 try: # 嘗試發送消息,否則顯示異常 sock.sendto(message.encode(), tello_address) # 可用於傳送資料過去給串接對象。message.encode(): 欲傳送指令字串與編碼 print('Sending message: ' + message) # 顯示欲傳送之指令字串 except Exception as e: # 顯示異常 print('Error sending: ' + str(e)) # 顯示 Error if message == 'takeoff': # 如果是 'takeoff' (自動起飛),則設定延遲 8 秒後,才能輸入下一個指令 delay = 8 elif message == 'land': # 如果是 'land' (自動降落),則設定延遲 6 秒後,才能輸入下一個指令 delay = 6 time.sleep(delay) # 暫停 def receive(): # 定義從 Tello 接收訊息的函式 while True: # 循環迴圈接收訊息 try: # 嘗試接收消息,否則打印異常 response, ip_address = sock.recvfrom(128) # 用於接收資料,並會回傳 (data, addr) 接收到的資料和IP位址資訊。128: 為宣告接收最多字數值 print('Received message: ' + response.decode(encoding = 'utf-8')) # 顯示回傳的 data (編碼成 'utf-8') except Exception as e: # 如果有錯誤關閉 socket,並跳出循環 sock.close() # 關閉 socket print('socket closed ==> Error receiving: ' + str(e)) # 顯示 Error break # 離開 while receiveThread = threading.Thread(target = receive) # 建立並在背景執行監聽緒 receiveThread.daemon = True # 此執行緒使用上述之接收訊息的函式,持續不斷的運行 receiveThread.start() # 開啟 執行緒 print("請輸入 Tello SDK 指令,並按下 'Enter' 鍵,或輸入 'quit' 離開程式。") # 操作指示 while True: # 一直循環等待指令的輸入或是使用 'quit' 或 ctrl-c 退出 try: # 使用 try message = input(':: ') # 讀取鍵盤輸入 if 'quit' in message: # 當收到 'quit' 指令,則結束程式並關閉連結 print('Program exited sucessfully') # 顯示程式結束 sock.close() # 關閉 socket break # 離開 while send(message, 3) # 送出指令 except KeyboardInterrupt as e: # 處理當使用 ctrl-c 時之例外處理 sock.close() # 關閉 socket break # 離開 while ### Lab7-6 (7-3a-look4corner.py) ### import socket import threading import time tello_address = ('', 8889) local_address = ('你的電腦 IP', 9000) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind(local_address) def send(message, delay): try: sock.sendto(message.encode(), tello_address) print('Sending message: ' + message) except Exception as e: print('Error sending: ' + str(e)) time.sleep(delay) def receive(): while True: try: response, ip_address = sock.recvfrom(128) print('Received message: ' + response.decode(encoding = 'utf-8')) except Exception as e: sock.close() print('socket closed ==> Error receiving: ' + str(e)) break receiveThread = threading.Thread(target = receive) receiveThread.daemon = True receiveThread.start() box_leg_distance = 100 yaw_angle = 90 yaw_direction = 'cw' send('command', 2) send('takeoff', 8) for i in range(4): send('forward ' + str(box_leg_distance), 4) send('cw ' + str(yaw_angle), 4) send('land', 5) print('Mission completed successfully!') sock.close() ### Lab7-7 (7-3b-look4corner.py) ### import socket import threading import time import tello # 匯入 tello-python 模組 tello_address = ('', 8889) local_address = ('', 9000) drone = tello.Tello() # 宣告 Tello() 物件 sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind(local_address) def send(message, delay): try: sock.sendto(message.encode(), tello_address) print('Sending message: ' + message) except Exception as e: print('Error sending: ' + str(e)) time.sleep(delay) def receive(): while True: try: response, ip_address = sock.recvfrom(128) print('Received message: ' + response.decode(encoding = 'utf-8')) except Exception as e: sock.close() print('socket closed ==> Error receiving: ' + str(e)) break receiveThread = threading.Thread(target = receive) receiveThread.daemon = True receiveThread.start() box_leg_distance = 100 yaw_angle = 90 yaw_direction = 'cw' send('command', 2) send('takeoff', 8) drone.streamon() # 開啟視頻串流 for i in range(4): send('forward ' + str(box_leg_distance), 4) send('cw ' + str(yaw_angle), 4) drone.streamoff() # 關閉視頻串流 send('land', 5) print('Mission completed successfully!') sock.close() ### Lab7-8 (7-4-starFlight.py) ### import socket import threading import time import tello tello_address = ('', 8889) local_address = ('你的電腦 IP', 9000) drone = tello.Tello() sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind(local_address) def send(message, delay = 3): try: sock.sendto(message.encode(), tello_address) print('Sending message: ' + message) except Exception as e: print('Error sending: ' + str(e)) if message == 'takeoff': delay = 8 elif message == 'land': delay = 6 time.sleep(delay) def receive(): while True: try: response, ip_address = sock.recvfrom(128) print('Received message: ' + response.decode(encoding = 'utf-8')) except Exception as e: sock.close() print('Error receiving: ' + str(e)) break receiveThread = threading.Thread(target = receive) receiveThread.daemon = True receiveThread.start() leg_distance = 60 yaw_degrees = 144 send('command', 1) send('takeoff', 7) drone.streamon() for i in range(5): send('forward ' + str(leg_distance), 5) send('cw ' + str(yaw_degrees), 5) drone.streamoff() send('land', 5) print('Mission completed successfully!') sock.close() ### Lab7-9 (7-5-Tello-Face-Recognition) ### import numpy as np import cv2 as cv import tello_drone as tello host = '' port = 8889 local_address = (host, port) drone = tello.Tello(host, port, is_dummy = False) def adjust_tello_position(offset_x, offset_y, offset_z): """ Adjusts the position of the tello drone based on the offset values given from the frame :param offset_x: Offset between center and face x coordinates :param offset_y: Offset between center and face y coordinates :param offset_z: Area of the face detection rectangle on the frame """ if not -90 <= offset_x <= 90 and offset_x is not 0: if offset_x < 0: drone.rotate_ccw(10) elif offset_x > 0: drone.rotate_cw(10) if not -70 <= offset_y <= 70 and offset_y is not -30: if offset_y < 0: drone.move_up(20) elif offset_y > 0: drone.move_down(20) if not 15000 <= offset_z <= 30000 and offset_z is not 0: if offset_z < 15000: drone.move_forward(20) elif offset_z > 30000: drone.move_backward(20) face_cascade = cv.CascadeClassifier('cascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') frame_read = drone.get_frame_read() while True: frame = frame_read.frame cap = drone.get_video_capture() height = cap.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) width = cap.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) center_x = int(width/2) center_y = int(height/2) cv.circle(frame, (center_x, center_y), 10, (0, 255, 0)) gray = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, minNeighbors=5) face_center_x = center_x face_center_y = center_y z_area = 0 for face in faces: (x, y, w, h) = face cv.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h),(255, 255, 0), 2) face_center_x = x + int(h/2) face_center_y = y + int(w/2) z_area = w * h cv.circle(frame, (face_center_x, face_center_y), 10, (0, 0, 255)) offset_x = face_center_x - center_x offset_y = face_center_y - center_y - 30 cv.putText(frame, f'[{offset_x}, {offset_y}, {z_area}]', (10, 50), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, (255,255,255), 2, cv.LINE_AA) adjust_tello_position(offset_x, offset_y, z_area) cv.imshow('Tello detection...', frame) if cv.waitKey(1) == ord('q'): break drone.end() cv.destroyAllWindows()